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Cava d'Onice


This winery is the intimate expression of our connection with the territory. With its traditions and its rules. Here we grew up and here we live, trying to convey to our children the jpy of these values.

We work our land every day with passion and perseverance. No shortcuts, we care of our vineyards by hand, avoiding herbicides and pesticides. Patiently waiting for their fruit

Here the harvest begins only after a careful selection of the grapes

N our cellar the vinification is carried out in stainless steel tanks and in barriques fulled by hand and we let macerate on the skins for al least twenty days

After racking the wine is ready for the French and slavonia oak barrels. Here the wine will rest for a minimum of 24 months. After which, the passion and the effort that we spent will make our wine unique.

This is our contribution to his majesty, the king of wines, BRUNELLO.

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